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Ingresso moderno studio dentistico a Creazzo (Vicenza)

Taking care of your mouth and teeth is the first step to being well, with yourself and with others. And we, since 1992, have been taking care of smiles.

Our Center

Smile and live well.

"The best way to show teeth is with a smile."
Henry Miller

Through smiling we express our well-being. Smiling activates powerful neurological responses, is the first antidepressant and also stimulates the immune system. Taking care of your mouth and teeth is the first step to being well, with yourself and with others. And we, since 1992, have been taking care of smiles.

We are a group of professionals who can take care of the health and aesthetics of the mouth, from a person's early years to adulthood. A path to be implemented together to maintain and improve everyone's unique smile.

Care and Treatment

The easiest way to take care of your smile. Together we will evaluate what is the best solution.

Faccette dentali a Creazzo (Vicenza)


Many services, one center. From oral hygiene to gnathology, Centro Andriolo specializes.



A child's growth is magic: the CENTRO ANDRIOLO welcomes little ones and helps parents in their care.

Our Pathway

Rimozione amalgama


The First





An opportunity to get to know each other

Knowledge and listening are the foundations of any virtuous relationship, including between dentist and patient. The first time you enter the Centro Andriolo in Creazzo, in the province of Vicenza, you will get to know the team: the professionals will try to fully understand your true needs, dispelling any doubts and perplexities. In the reception visit you will be the real protagonist: in fact, it will be much more important what you tell the professionals of the Center than what they can say to you. Your general health status will also be taken into account in developing an appropriate plan.

At the end of the intake visit, you will decide whether you want to proceed with the in-depth visit or take time to reflect on what you have been told.

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